Méthode Applicative

Slip Melting Point Sampling Techniques for Lip Balm Samples

Méthode Applicative

Learn Two Different Sample Preparation Techniques for Slip Melting Point

Correct and accurate sample preparation techniques to prepare lip balm samples for slip melting point determination.
Correct and accurate sample preparation techniques to prepare lip balm samples for slip melting point determination.

The Importance of the Slip Melting Point of Lip Balm

Lip balm is a very commonly used cosmetic product for the moisturization and hydration of lips. The main ingredients used in lip balm are different types of wax including paraffin and natural waxes like beeswax or carnauba wax. In addition to flavors, dyes and fragrances are added. The slip melting point method is an effective technique for the characterization of complex mixtures that do not possess sharp melting points like lip balm. It is a reliable and easily accessible quality control parameter.


Sampling Techniques for Slip Melting Point

The slip melting point is also known as Open Tube or Open Capillary Melting Point. In a glass capillary tube open at both ends (inner capillary), 10 mm of lip balm sample is introduced and then placed into an outer capillary filled with water.

In this application note, the following different sample preparation techniques for slip melting point determination are compared:

  • Conventional sampling technique, for which the sample needs to be liquefied
  • Direct sampling technique, where the slip melting point inner capillary is directly inserted into the semi-solid sample

You will learn the advantages and disadvantages of each technique using METTLER TOLEDO’s Melting Point Excellence Systems.

Download our free application note and benefit from our knowledge on the sample preparation of lip balm samples for slip melting point determination.


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