This application note provides a method for determining zinc content in wine using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometer.
How Does Zinc Affect the Wine Quality?
Wine is an alcoholic drink made from fermented grapes. The trace amount of zinc (Zn) in wine contributes to wine browning, turbidity, cloudiness, and astringency. Excessive amount of Zn in wine may have an adverse effect on its quality and taste. The maximum acceptable limit is 5 mg/L.
Why Is Zinc Content in Wine Important?
Our body requires Zn at low concentrations. However, excessive Zn can have undesirable effects such as abdominal pain and cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and nausea. Therefore, its determination in wine is important.
How Is Zinc Content Determined in Wine?
In this application note, the spectrophotometric determination of Zn in red and rose wine is presented using a METTLER TOLEDO EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometer. In this method, an orange-red complex of Zn is formed and determined by measuring its absorbance at 493 nm.
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