
Advanced, automatic, high-throughput.Sophisticated 360° inspection of round containers. Get a complete picture of every package with six-camera configuration for maximum inspection.

Breakthrough Design

Unique six-camera configuration captures a 360° view of each product for 100% inspection of label design and packages up to 230 mm in diameter.

Automate Product Changeovers

Cameras adjust automatically to support a range of field-of-view-requirements on a variety of product sizes, enabling easier product changeovers.

High-Speed Configuration

Installs on new or existing production lines with speeds up to 1,000 ppm for minimal disruption to current processes.

Matériel No.: 28284208

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Spécifications - V35
Inspection Type
Cap Inspection
Label Data Inspection
Label Quality Inspection
1000 ppm
Cap Inspection
Cap Color
Cap Presence
Cap Skew
Tamper band
Strobe LED lighting
UV lighting
Camera Technology
PC Controlled GigE Camera
Operating Temperature (no A/C)
<35 °C (95 °F) <80 % humidity
Product Width
125 mm diameter
Hygienic Requirement
Low Pressure (IP65)
Wipe Down (<IP54)
Label Quality Inspection
Graphical ID
Label Placement
Label Skew
Label Wrinkles
Label Data Inspection
1D/2D Barcode
Alpha Numeric
Field of View
165 x 125 mm
Inspection Area
Customization Options
Bespoke handling
Design Options
Product Shape

Label Data and Quality Control 360°

Verify the full 360° view of product label data such as 1D barcodes, 2D codes, and alpha-numeric text along with quality for tears, wrinkles, or label duplication.

Cap Inspection

Perform inspection of cap or lid placement to help ensure proper closure, or tamper band presence to minimize opportunity for downstream container leaking.

Supports Multiple Inspections

Manage inspections on multiple locations on the production line using a single control system, typical in application of labels and caps.

Advanced Product Tracking

Vary the placement of the HMI control, camera enclosure, and sorters where it fits on the production line in order to integrate with new or existing production processes for maximum efficiency.

Multiple Lighting Options

Advanced lighting options are designed to create optimal contrast in order to detect defects in labeling and packaging.

Advanced Camera Configurations

Powerful pc-controlled cameras come in a variety of resolutions, lenses, and filters and are designed for optimum speed and performance for your application.

Global Service and Support

A global network of service experts provide fast remote and on-site support. Our comprehensive service offering allows you to achieve regulatory compliance, high performance, and maximum uptime throughout the life cycle of your product inspection equipment.


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