Systèmes de microscopie avec platine chauffante

Systèmes de microscopie avec platine chauffante

Etudes du polymorphisme, mesures de cristaux liquides et cristallisation du polymère

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Produits et spécifs.

Produits et spécifs.
Plage de température
With optional cooling
Heating rate
Light aperture
Measuring sensor type
Voir détails
Plage de températureRT ... 375 °C
With optional cooling-90 °C ... 375 °C
Heating rate0.1 ... 20 K/min
Light aperture2 mm
Measuring sensor type-
Sample carriersSlides / Top glass
Dimensions (L x l x H)76 x 19 x 1
Base diameter / volume15 x 15 x 0.2 mm
ÉcranTouch-sensitive 7'' VGA color screen
LanguagesGerman, English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Russian
Shortcuts (One Click™)12 per user
Standards satisfiedASTM F766, EN ISO 3146
Voir détails
Plage de températureRT ... 375 °C
Heating rate0.1 ... 20 K/min
Light aperture2 mm
Measuring sensor typeDSC ceramic sensor, 56 thermocouples
Sample carriersAluminum, glass and sapphire crucibles
Base diameter / volume6mm / 40 µL
ÉcranTouch-sensitive 7'' VGA color screen
LanguagesGerman, English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Russian
Shortcuts (One Click™)12 per user
Standards satisfiedASTM F766, EN ISO 3146


Brochures produits

Excellence Microscope Hot-Stages Brochure
La microscopie à platine chauffante est une méthode performante qui est largement utilisée pour étudier de manière visuelle toutes les transitions the...

Documentations commerciales

Datasheet: The MultiSTAR DSC Sensor Family
The sensor is the heart of any DSC measuring cell. Ideally, a modern DSC sensor should be very sensitive, have a fast response, a flat baseline, and y...
Datasheet: Thermal Analysis Repair Service
Fast intervention and turnaround time is the key to maximizing your thermal analysis system’s uptime. Learn about our expert manufacturer repair servi...
Datasheet: Thermal Analysis Training Service
From basic to expert, on-site to online, discover the ideal thermal analysis training for laboratory technicians and research scientists.
Datasheet: Comprehensive Installation / Qualification - Thermal Analysis Service
Operational and functional testing procedures are performed and documented on site by an authorized service specialist.
Datasheet: TMA-Sorption System
This datasheet details the main features and benefits of the TMA-Sorption option. Real world application examples show what type of measurement can be...
Datasheet: TGA Evolved Gas Analysis
The combination of TGA with a mass spectrometer (MS) or a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) allows the nature of the gaseous reaction pro...
Datasheet: TGA-EGA
TGA-MS, TGA-FTIR, TGA-GC/MS and TGA-Micro GC/MS are powerful techniques that yield both quantitative (mass analysis, absorbance) and qualitative (iden...
Datasheet: Thermal Analysis Services
METTLER TOLEDO offers a wealth of educational resources for thermal analysis, including webinars, e-trainings, videos and over 600 published applicati...
Datasheet: STARe Software's Server Mode Option
STARe thermal analysis software offers powerful administrative tools for managing multiple instruments located in different laboratories.
Datasheet: TGA-Sorption System
The TGA-Sorption System allows you to precondition samples at temperatures up to 150 °C and to increase or decrease the relative humidity continuously...


Découvrez nos services : adaptés à votre équipement

Selon la Confédération internationale pour l'analyse thermique et la calorimétrie (ICTAC), l'analyse thermique est un ensemble de techniques qui permettent de mesurer une propriété physique d'une substance en fonction de la température pendant que cette substance est soumise à un programme à régulation de température.

Support & Réparation
Maintenance & Optimisation
Etalonnage & Qualité
Formation & Accompagnement


Nouvelles applications, Examen de sujets analytiques, Conseils pratiques

Thermal Analysis Applications
Thermal Analysis Applications for the Characterization of Food
The Characterization of Pharmaceuticals Using Thermal Analysis
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Webinar
Thermal Analysis Applications for the Petrochemical Industry
Thermal Analysis Techniques for the Chemical Industry – Theory and Applications
Heat capacity determination of metals above 700 °C