
Seamless TGA Workflows With STARe Software


An external balance interfaced with STARe software permits secure transfer of weighing results.

Simple TGA sample weigh-in using an external balance

Interfacing an external balance with STARe thermal analysis software permits electronic transfer of TGA sample weights – even while an experiment is running – for seamless and secure thermal analysis workflows.

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) measures the mass of a sample subjected to a temperature program in a defined atmosphere.

Samples for TGA can be weighed in using one of the following procedures:

  1. TGA internal balance: A TGA fitted with a sample changer automatically tares and weighs in samples (see video).
  2. If an experiment is running, weigh-ins can be performed using an external balance connected to STARe software.
  3. STARe can also be networked to a METTLER TOLEDO balance via LabX for secure electronic data transfer (see video).


In this video, we show you how to connect an external balance and transfer weight data to STARe software. Weigh-in tasks can be performed while another TGA experiment is running for improved efficiency and speed.

Seamless TA workflows

Electronic transfer of weighing results from an external balance to STARe eliminates transcription errors. In addition, weighing-in samples while an experiment is running improves operational efficiency and workflow speed.


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Latest Thermal analysis news

Interfacing an external balance with STARe thermal analysis software permits electronic transfer of TGA sample weights for seamless and secure thermal analysis workflows.
Electronic transfer of weighing results from an external balance to STARe eliminates transcription errors.
In addition Weighing-in samples while an experiment is running improves operational efficiency and workflow speed.

In this video, we show you how to connect an external balance to STARe software.

First, to establish a link between your Mettler Toledo balance and STARe software, go to the install window in STARe and under Connections click New at the bottom left corner as shown on the screen. Select the desired balance from the dialogue box. In this example, we are using a standard Mettler Toledo balance.

click OK

To enable communication with the selected balance, another dialogue box appears which allows you to define the port to be connected to the balance. 

Click OK

Press Activate to connect the external balance.
Next, define the weigh-in range in the method window.

Under the Miscellaneous tab, select Sample Range to specify the sample weight range.

The remainder of this video shows you how to transfer weight values from an external balance to STARe software. Weigh-in tasks can be performed while another TGA experiment is running for improved efficiency and speed.

  1. In the routine editor, open the method and enter the sample name; click the Get Next check box to transfer the sample weight from the balance to the empty weight field in the routine editor.
  2. Place an empty 70 µl alumina oxide crucible on the external balance and press the TARE key.
  3. Add the sample, making sure the weight value lies within the predefined range.
  4. Press the Add to Protocol key on the balance to transfer the weight value, now visible in STARe's routine editor.
  5. Place the crucible containing the weighed sample onto the TGA turntable.

Send the experiment to the Module Control window in STARe software.


We have demonstrated how you can easily transfer TGA weight values from an external balance directly into STARe software.


Additional tips and hints can be found in chapter 10.3 of “Thermal Analysis in Practice”.

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