
Webinar: Analytical Solutions for Battery Characterization, Production, and Testing

Maximize Quality and Minimize Risk


  • Analytical instrumentation applications for the entire value chain of lithium ion batteries
  • Mitigating risk associated with battery failure
  • Researching the behavior of new battery components

The demand for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries is growing fast and as a result, manufacturers have to meet challenging requirements for production quality and further development of batteries. METTLER TOLEDO's extensive portfolio of analytical characterization solutions for the laboratory and automated precision scales for manufacturing support quality assurance (QA) development and quality control (QC) procedures of battery production. Our innovative laboratory and industrial solutions support the various steps in the battery value chain – from the testing of raw materials and battery components to production and final quality control.

This webinar provides instrumental applications based on the following fields of battery value chain: electrolyte analysis, cathode and anode testing, separator analysis, testing, and production.