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4.5 place digital density meter for measurement of density, specific gravity, API (petroleum), BRIX (sugar), alcohol or concentration of aqueous solutions.
Main features • 5-Place accuracy between 0 and 1 g/cm3. • Built-in Peltier thermostat for temperature control. • Certified density standards included (NIST traceable) • Memory cards for method transfer or data storage • 9 user methods (+1 for adjustment). • Automation: sampling pump SC1 and sample changer SC30. • Connection to RE40 and RE50 refractometers for simultaneous determination of density and refractive index. • Barcode reader connection to easy read in sample ID and operator names. • Connection to computer for data handling. |
GLP/GMP • Certified density standards for CHECK and ADJUSTMENT. • ADJUSTMENT with air & water or certified standards. • Special CHECK function for regular instrument check. • The last 10 CHECK and ADJUSTMENT data are stored and can be recalled and printed out anytime. • Printout with all important data like operator name, date, time, serial number of the instrument and measurement data. |
DE45 Delta Range™ Density Meter