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The InPro 5000i is an online digital sensor for measuring carbon dioxide levels in biopharmaceutical cell culture and fermentation. The InPro 5000i helps you achieve accurate CO2 measurements and real-time process control to optimize bioreactor productivity and support process scale-up. In situ measurement of CO2 with the InPro 5000i allows immediate reaction to changes in CO2 concentration. InPro 5000i is autoclavable and steam sterilizable to meet pharmaceutical cleaning requirements.
CO2 Sensor InPro5000i/12/120
De InPro 5000i 12/120 is een online kooldioxidesensor met ISM voor nauwkeurige metingen en controle van opgeloste CO2 in biofarmaceutische toepassingen. Deze is gebaseerd op het algemeen aanvaarde Severinghaus-principe voor CO2-meting.
CO2 Sensor InPro5000i/12/220
De InPro 5000i 12/220 is een online kooldioxidesensor met ISM voor nauwkeurige metingen en controle van opgeloste CO2 in biofarmaceutische toepassingen. Deze is gebaseerd op het algemeen aanvaarde Severinghaus-principe voor CO2-meting.
CO2 Sensor InPro5000i/12/320
De InPro 5000i 12/320 is een online kooldioxidesensor met ISM voor nauwkeurige metingen en controle van opgeloste CO2 in biofarmaceutische toepassingen. Deze is gebaseerd op het algemeen aanvaarde Severinghaus-principe voor CO2-meting.
CO2 Sensor InPro5500i/Var. Type N
De InPro 5500i Varivent is een thermische CO2-geleidendheidssensor die perfect geschikt is om bij de kwaliteitscontrole van bieren en frisdranken de carbonatieniveaus te bewaken. De ISM-technologie vereenvoudigt de bediening en beperkt de gebruikskosten van de sensor.
CO2 Sensor InPro5500i/TriClamp 2''
De InPro 5500i Tri-Clamp 2" is een thermische CO2-geleidendheidssensor die perfect geschikt is om bij de kwaliteitscontrole van bieren en frisdranken de carbonatieniveaus te bewaken. De ISM-technologie vereenvoudigt de bediening en beperkt de gebruikskosten van de sensor.
CO2 Sensor InPro5500i/D28/M42
De InPro 5500i 28mm/M42 is een thermische CO2-geleidendheidssensor die perfect geschikt is om bij de kwaliteitscontrole van bieren en frisdranken de carbonatieniveaus te bewaken. De ISM-technologie vereenvoudigt de bediening en beperkt de gebruikskosten van de sensor.
In situ measurements of CO2 with the InPro 5000i allows immediate reaction to dissolved carbon dioxide level changes to help maximize productivity in cell culture and fermentation.
The InPro 5000i is designed to help you achieve real-time process control by providing fast response times and high signal stability when measuring bioreactor CO2 levels.
Based on the widely accepted Severinghaus principle of CO2 measurement, the InPro 5000i provides reliable, accurate measurements of carbon dioxide levels in biopharmaceutical applications.
With a stainless steel surface finish for use in hygienic environments, the InPro 5000i easily prevents contamination and the sensor is fully sterilizable either in-situ or in an autoclave.
The InPro 5000i uses a membrane body concept to limit maintenance time with an interior body electrode that can easily be replaced on site without sending the sensor to be serviced.
Offering in situ CO2 measurements, the InPro 5000i is made of FDA positive listed construction materials and is EHEDG certified for optimal cleanability in hygienic environments.
ISM advanced diagnostics are used with this biotechnology CO2 sensor to provide pre-batch diagnostics for high-performance measurements and full traceability for complete documentation.
CO2 is an important metabolic indicator in bioprocessing applications. It impacts extracellular and intracellular pH and can directly and indirectly impact glycosylation patterns and molecule stability. Lees meer
This white paper examines the issues that many bioreactor manufacturers face when optimizing a bioreactor portfolio to meet the challenging scale-up requirements of their pharmaceutical clients. Specifically, there are often challenges associated with transferring technology from the laboratory scale to the production scale, as well as the reverse. Lees meer
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The InPro 5000i is an online, digital, biotechnology CO2 sensor which measures dissolved carbon dioxide levels in biopharmaceutical applications. These sensors deliver precise, real-time data that increases the understanding of critical fermentation and cell culture processes in order to maximize productivity and reduce service time. The information measured by the dissolved carbon dioxide sensor provides insights into the cellular metabolism and other changes within the bioreactor. InPro 5000i is also integrated with Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM) advanced predictive diagnostics and Plug and Measure technology.
The METTLER TOLEDO InPro 5000i measures in-line and provides real-time CO2 measurements based on the technology of the Severinghaus principle. The sensing electrode is separated from the measurement medium by an electrolyte-filled chamber with a gas permeable membrane. Carbon dioxide diffuses through the membrane and into the inner electrolyte of the InPro 5000i carbon dioxide sensor, where it equilibrates with bicarbonate ions to alter the pH value. The relative change in pH value of the electrolyte is then measured by an internal pH electrode and correlated to the CO2 level in the medium.
The InPro 5000i digital CO2 sensor uses Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM) technology. This provides many unique features, including pre-batch diagnostics for the best measurement performance, count of sensor exposure to autoclave cycles and full traceability for complete documentation. The Plug and Measure feature also supports seamless biotechnology CO2 sensor integration to your process.
The InPro 5000i CO2 sensor by METTLER TOLEDO has 120 mm, 220 mm, and 320 mm sensor lengths available with 12 mm sensor diameter.