HP DSC 2+ - High Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimeter

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Een druktoename beïnvloedt alle fysieke wijzigingen en chemische reacties waarin een volumeverandering zich voordoet. Voor het testen van materialen, procesontwikkeling of kwaliteitscontrole is er vaak geen ander alternatief dan DSC-metingen onder druk.

  • Kortere analysetijd – een hogere druk en een hogere temperatuur versnellen de reacties
  • Metingen onder procesomstandigheden – simulatie van praktische reactie-omgevingen
  • Betere interpretatie – de effecten kunnen worden gescheiden door verdamping te onderdrukken


PC 10

Specificaties - HP DSC 2+ - High Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimeter
Temperatuurbereik RT ... 500 °C / 700 °C
Heating rate 0.1…50 K/min
Pressure range 0 … 10 MPa (overpressure)
Gas flow freely selectable, accurate control of purge gas flow rates and total pressure with external controller
Atmospheres Measurements under different atmospheres: inert, oxidizing, reducing, reactive, e.g. nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, methyl bromide, ethylene, propylene, carbon dioxide, etc. There are certain restrictions for combustible and toxic gases
Handelsnaam DSC

Innovatieve technologie


Kenmerken en voordelen van de HP DSC 2+


Kortere analysetijd – een hogere druk en een hogere temperatuur versnellen de reacties
Metingen onder procesomstandigheden – simulatie van praktische reactie-omgevingen
Betere interpretatie – de effecten kunnen worden gescheiden door verdamping te onderdrukken
Hogere gasconcentraties – de heterogene reacties met gassen worden versneld
Metingen in speciale atmosferen – oxidatieve, zuurstofvrije omstandigheden of metingen
met toxische of ontvlambare gassen zijn mogelijk
Robuuste sensor met hoge resolutie en een uitstekende gevoeligheid – meting van zeer zwakke effecten met een uitstekende temperatuurresolutie van zeer gelijkaardige effecten




HP DSC 2+ Product Brochure
Increased pressure is a factor that influences all physical changes and chemical reactions in which a change in volume occurs. For material testing, p...
Brochure: STARe Excellence Software
Thermal analysis is a well-established analytical method that is widely used in many different fields. It provides laboratories with valuable results...
The Future of Thermal Analysis Brochure
Thermal Analysis comprises a group of techniques that measure the physical or chemical properties of a sample as a function of temperature or time whi...


Datasheet: The MultiSTAR DSC Sensor Family
The sensor is the heart of any DSC measuring cell. Ideally, a modern DSC sensor should be very sensitive, have a fast response, a flat baseline, and y...
Datasheet: DSC-Microscopy System
The system provides images of samples at predefined temperature or time intervals. A further evaluation possibility is to quantify color differences b...
Datasheet: DSC-Chemiluminescence System
The high-pressure DSC-CL combination has the potential to replace the traditional timeconsuming oven aging tests in the prescreening phase of novel po...
Datasheet: DSC Evaluation
This software option reduces unnecessary measurement time and improves safety when measuring unknown samples. It enables the instrument to terminate a...
Datasheet: STARe Software Option Mathematics
This software option offers a number of useful calculations that can be applied to curves for advanced evaluation possibilities, adding even more flex...
Datasheet: IsoStep
Thermal effects can often occur simultaneously, IsoStep™ is a Temperature Modulated DSC (TMDSC) software option that can help evaluation of complicate...
Datasheet: Specific Heat Evaluation
The specific heat capacity cp is an important material property often used in calculations of thermal processes in the chemical industry. It describes...
Datasheet: Conditional Experiment Termination
This software option reduces unnecessary measurement time and improves safety when measuring unknown samples. It enables the instrument to terminate a...
Datasheet: nth Order Kinetics
Kinetic models are suitable for the analysis and simulation of chemical reactions. The software option calculates kinetic parameters based on one or m...
Datasheet: Model Free Kinetics
Model Free Kinetics (MFK) allows you to predict reaction behavior under different conditions, where measurements are difficult to perform or where the...
Advanced Model Free Kinetics Datasheet
STARe software’s Advanced Model Free Kinetics (Advanced MFK) program helps in the investigation and optimization of a process. It allows the predictio...




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HP DSC 2+ - High Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimeter