White paper

Water Chemistry Alarms in Power Plants

White paper

With Verified Water Chemistry Technology

Water chemistry alarms
Water chemistry alarms

Correct water chemistry alarms in power plants are vital. But many power plants have a low level of trust in the accuracy of their on-line measurements, and suffer from loss of water chemistry knowledge due to staff cutbacks. This can lead to poor interpretation of alarms and an incorrect or late response. With modern technology, it is now possible to prevent false water chemistry alarms.

There is an increasing need to integrate water chemistry measurements into a "smart" plant control system. METTLER TOLEDO transmitters, analyzers and sensors provide industry-leading verification of measurement accuracy and alarms. The verification technology enables smart alarm management and interpretation of problematic events. METTLER TOLEDO's solutions allow power plants to have greater control over power plant operations and key water and steam processes. Preventing false water chemistry alarms reduces the risk of ignoring a response to an unplanned failure event.

This white paper covers the following topics:

  • Common challenges faced in power plants
  • The importance of alarm verification technology
  • Continuous sensor maintenance monitoring
  • Using calculated pH to verify pH sensor readings

METTLER TOLEDO solutions not only provide trust in water chemistry analytics, they also help plants access important operational data by verifying and stopping false water chemistry alarms from being generated. METTLER TOLEDO's equipment can uniquely "verify" the signals from the analytics and simultaneously prevent the triggering of typical false water chemistry alarms. Below are some examples of the real-time verification that can be provided:

  • Is sample flow adequate for an accurate measurement?
  • Is the sample temperature within the optimum range for each sensor type?
  • Are the sensors within their operating lifespan?
  • Do the sensors require maintenance?
  • Do the sensors require calibration?
  • Is the resin required for cation conductivity exhausted?
  • Do changes in pH electrode readings match changes in calculated pH based on conductivity?
  • Can changes in sensor readings be verified by related change in key analyzers values and vice versa?