White paper

Deionization Capacity Monitoring

White paper

A Predictive Approach to Resin Exhaustion Monitoring in Power Plants

Eliminating contamination of a power plant's water cycle is a critical element of protecting expensive plant equipment such as turbines and boilers from corrosion and pitting.  One of the highest-risk places for contamination is ion exchanger break through.

Download the white paper, "Deionization Capacity Monitoring Reduces Water Treatment Costs," at the button below to learn about a proactive approach for predicting when resin exhaustion will occur that offers significant benefits over the traditional elapsed time and totalized flow methods.

Typical measurements, such as sodium, silica and conductivity, will tell you when you are experiencing breakthrough (and therefore contamination) due to exhausted resins.  But once you start getting readings on these sensors, it's already too late.

The most common ways to predict when your deionization resins will exhaust are the elapsed time approach or the totalized flow approach.   As the video on the right explains, these two approaches are both risky because they assume that there is a steady, constant depletion of deionization resin.  This is typically not the case.

If you regenerate your resins early, you incur additional costs associated with that premature regeneration.

If the resin exhaust occurs sooner than expected due to faster depletion of resin, this will lead to increased contamination of your water cycle chemistry.

Both of these are significant and costly issues.

Now there is a truly proactive approach to predicting when resin exhaustion will occur.  It takes into consideration total dissolved solids, flowrate and the decreasing activity of ions to provide an accurate measurement of the amount of resin remaining in your deionization system.

This white paper provides information on detecting resin exhaustion, predicting resin exhaustion and assessing resin health. It offers information on how with the right monitoring and diagnostics you can avoid downstream contamination of your water cycle chemistry, and costs of early resin regeneration in your deionization system.