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For thermal analysis and many other analytical techniques, accurate preparation and analysis of samples are crucial to obtaining reliable data. METTLER TOLEDO offers a comprehensive range of solutions for sample preparation to ensure the accuracy of your thermal analysis measurements.
Join this live webinar for an introduction to METTLER TOLEDO’s thermal analysis (TA) techniques and the importance of good weighing practices for sample preparation.
Dr. Michael Reber
Dr. Michael Reber joined METTLER TOLEDO as a Product Manager in 2019, where he contributes to the thermal analysis department. His expertise encompasses a range of analytical techniques, including Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA), and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). Prior to his tenure at METTLER TOLEDO, Dr. Reber earned his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Zurich. His doctoral research focused on the development and characterization of porous oxides, equipping him with a solid foundation in material science and analytical techniques.
Holly Nurre
Holly Nurre is the Product Manager of Excellence Analytical and Microbalances at METTLER TOLEDO. Her background is in Industrial Engineering from The Ohio State University with experience in pharmaceutical scale-up and production, and user experience design.