Spectroscopic Determination of Aluminium Content in Ground Water

Easy Method for Quick and Reliable Determination

This application note provides a method for the determination of aluminium content in groundwater using METTLER TOLEDO's UV/VIS spectrophotometer.

Why Is Aluminium Determination Important? 

Aluminium is present in the soil as insoluble material, which gets dissolved and mixed with the surface/groundwater due to acidic mine drainage and acid rain. Increased aluminium content may have adverse effects on both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Therefore, its content determination is of great relevance.


How Is Aluminium Content Determined?

This application note focuses on the aluminium content determination in groundwater using METTLER TOLEDO's UV/VIS spectrophotometer. Aluminium present in the sample reacts with Eriochrome cyanine R to form a colored complex. Absorbance of this complex measured at 535 nm using a spectrophotometer gives an estimate of its content.

Download our free application note to learn more and benefit from our experience determining the aluminium content in water.




Aluminium in Ground Water Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
Aluminium in Ground Water Using UV Vis Spectroscopy
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