
Simple External Sample Preparation Using METTLER TOLEDO's DMA/SDTA


Performing Measurements in a DMA/SDTA 1+ Is Quick and Uncomplicated, Allowing For External Sample Preparation, an Applied Force of up to 40 Newtons and a Maximum Frequency Range of up to 1000 Hz

External, simple sample preparation for the DMA/SDTA

This video demonstrates how to prepare samples for dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA/SDTA 861e).

This video demonstrates how to prepare samples for dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) using single and dual bending clamps. Also presented is the preparation required for tension samples and the use of the fluid bath for immersion studies.

The cooling performance of the DMA allows samples to be analyzed at temperatures as low as –190 °C. Secondary transitions (β-relaxation) can be studied, as well as larger reorganizations at higher temperatures, such as glass transition (α-relaxation).

The DMA, with its unique rotatable measuring head, allows for measurements in all deformation modes – even in liquids or at defined relative humidity levels.

Visit us for more information on DMA (dynamic mechanical analysis) and other thermal analysis solutions, as well as promotions, webinars, trainings, applications and handbooks

Sample preparation for DMA is also detailed in our TA tips and hints guide