Sensors for pH Measurement in the Laboratory and in Industrial Processes

Accurate Scales

Our Most Precise and Accurate Weighing Scales for a Wide Range of Industries

An accurate weighing scale is an instrument used to measure weight or mass with precision and minimal error. Accurate weighing scales are used in laboratory, industrial, transportation and logistics, and retail environments. METTLER TOLEDO offers a range of accurate digital weighing devices including analytical scales, precision scales, and microbalances, among others.

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How can you tell if a digital scale is accurate?

To ensure your digital scale is accurate, it should be inspected, calibrated, and tested on a regular basis. The performance of a weighing scale or balance might alter over time due to environmental changes, wear and tear, or non-visible damage.

Routine testing of balances or scales between scheduled calibrations helps to maintain accuracy by ensuring early detection of non-conformance with weighing process requirements, allowing for corrective action in a timely manner. 

To ensure an accurate weighing scale, you should carry out routine testing, along with periodically scheduled calibrations conducted by a service technician. Taking these actions significantly reduces the risk of inaccurate weighing results.

METTLER TOLEDO offers a wide range of suitable test weights in all required weight classes to ensure an accurate weighing scale.


Are digital scales accurate?

Digital scales are very accurate weighing instruments. METTLER TOLEDO's range of digital scales and balances offer high accuracy, as well as fast speed and reproducibility, making them ideal for a wide range of weighing applications.

Our collection of accurate digital scales are capable of handling a wide range of objects, from very light to heavy samples, for general laboratory to industrial operations. 

Which balance is more accurate?

An analytical balance is the most accurate balance available. METTLER TOLEDO offers microbalances and ultra-microbalances that can weigh extremely small samples with very high accuracy, with readability of 1 µg (six decimal places) and 0.1 µg (seven decimal places).

Why is an analytical balance more accurate?

Digital analytical balances are highly accurate weighing devices since they typically measure to the nearest 0.0001g (four decimal places). They are laboratory instruments that are carefully designed and engineered to measure smaller masses with great accuracy and precision. Due to the sensitivity of the high-performance weighing cell, analytical balances are also fitted with a draft shield to maintain a stable weighing environment and enhance accuracy.

METTLER TOLEDO's analytical balances have weighing capacities ranging from 52 g to 520 g with readability ranging from 0.1 mg to 0.002 mg.

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