IND890-19 PC Weighing Terminal - Abgekündigtes Produkt

The Personal Weighing Computer

Clear, efficient, universal: With the standard touch screen, the operation of the IND890 is simple and reliable even in the harshest environments thanks to the protection IP69k. The application terminal also sets new standards in highly complex weighing processes. It provides the perfect connection between PC and scale with powerful and reliable industrial quality

The IND890-19, the ‘larger’ version of the IND890, consists of a slim line flat screen and a separate electronic box (ELO). Both components are connected with a single cable. This ensures extremely flexible and ergonomic workplace layout.

Abkündigung seit: May, 2021

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Dokumentation - IND890-19 PC Weighing Terminal


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Zubehör - IND890-19 PC Weighing Terminal

Spezifikationen- IND890-19 PC Weighing Terminal

Spezifikationen - IND890-19 PC Weighing Terminal
Anzeige Widescreen TFT Touch Screen Display15,4" / resolution 1280x800
Schnittstellen weighing interfaces: IDNet, AnalogScale, SICSdata interfaces: Ethernet (standard), RS232, RS422, RS485, USB
Schutzgrad IP69k (complete device)
Gehäuse stainless steel
Anwendungen free programming for customized requirements
A/D-Frequenz (int./ext) depends on connected scale(s)
Abmessungen 350 x 490 x 349 mm
Tastatur tactile foil keypad with palpable key stroke; closed, smooth surface of resistive polyester, scratch-proof, numeric entry block, 4 cursor keys and 8 soft keys as well as Windows- and weighing-specific keys
Auflösung depends on connected scale(s)
Suitable platforms / weigh modules weighing platforms of K- and M-line as well as PBA..., PFA..., PTA... and PUA... platforms
Number of attachable platforms up to 4 weighing platforms, all can be operated simultaneously. Verificable sum scale.
Aufstell-/Einbaumöglichkeiten standard deliveries as desk- and wall version; installation as panel-mount version (in switchboards) or on a stand with respective accessories are possible.
Zubehör fixation modules and stands: wall adapter; floor stand, panel installation kit and adapter for GA46 printer
Optionen CPU, RAM, Windows operating system, type and number of interfaces can be selected