
Live Webinar: Thermo-Optical Analysis with Hot-Stage Microscopy

For Visual Observation of Thermally-Induced Effects in Your Sample

Übersicht der Inhalte

  • Basic principles of thermo-optical analysis, hot stage microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry
  • Introduction to hot-stage microscopy instruments and special design features
  • Example applications of TOA using hot stage microscopy for a range of industries
  • Interactive Q&A

Thermo-optical analysis (TOA) allows visual observation of the physical changes that occur in a sample as it is heated, cooled, or held isothermally. By revealing changes in the optical properties of a substance, this technique offers insights into structural and morphological changes that may not otherwise be detected.

TOA using a hot-stage microscopy system is a widely-used technique. When combined with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the heat flow is simultaneously measured for a more comprehensive analysis.

Typical Measurements Using TOA and Hot-Stage Microscopy

Typical events observed using this technique include melting and crystallization, stability, polymorphism, and release of solvents. These can be investigated with just a few milligrams of sample.

In this webinar, you will gain an understanding of the principles behind TOA, learn about METTLER TOLEDO’s hot-stage instruments, and explore practical applications for different industries.

We conclude with a live Q&A session, so don’t forget to prepare your questions for our experts!


Image of Matthias Wagner

Dr. Matthias Wagner

Dr. Matthias Wagner received his Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from the University of Zürich in Switzerland and then completed a post-doctorate on sediment chemistry in high mountain lakes. In 2001, Matthias joined METTLER TOLEDO's head office in Switzerland as an applications chemist for material characterization and thermal analysis. In 2006, he started his current role as thermal analysis product manager and is also the head of third-level service support in Switzerland. He is the author of the book "Thermal Analysis in Practice", has published many articles about thermal analysis applications, presents customer requirements in new product development projects, and is a co-holder of several patents.

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