
Best Practices Series: Crucibles for Thermal Analysis

Crucible Selection Tips for DSC and TGA Applications


  • Introduction
  • Crucibles for DSC
  • Crucibles for TGA
  • Tips and hints for selecting the right crucibles
  • Summary

Crucibles for thermal analysis protect the furnace and/or sensor of your TGA or DSC instrument against damage or contamination.

Often, the difference between an accurate and flawed measurement has nothing to do with the measuring device itself, but rather the type of crucible used and the sample preparation procedure. In this webinar, we offer useful tips and hints on how to select the proper sample holder for different types of DSC and TGA applications.


Brian Turner

Brian Turner

METTLER TOLEDO, Technology Applications Consultant

Dr. Turner holds a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Dayton and a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Vanderbilt University. He has published work in the areas of gold-based nanomaterials, materials printing, and electrochemistry.