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Pipette tip packaging options include standard racks, single and stacked refills, and bagged pipette tips sold in bulk. Waste-reducing Rainin BioClean Ultra™ pipette tip refills are made from virgin polypropylene resin and are fully recyclable. Reduce plastic waste in your lab with innovative, eco-friendly Rainin pipette tip rack packaging and refill options like Green-Pak single refills, StableStak stacked refills and TerraRack, made from easily recyclable PETE (resin code 1.)
Let our tip finder show you all of your Rainin tip options for your brand and model of pipette. Read more
Take control of your pipette inventory with SmartStand, SmartCheck™, and PipetteX™ software. Read more
The ShopRainin USA Pipette Tip catalog contains information on all tip products, with a greater level of detail and explanations. Read more
Rainin 96/384-well pipettors and consumables deliver reliable semi-automated performance. Read more
Many people refer to a pipette tip "rack" as a tip "box." So, generally speaking, if someone is calling a product a pipette tip box, they are most likely talking about a rack of pipette tips.
A pipette tip box comes with 96 pipette tips in a box. Generally stacked on top of one another, the pipette tips are sectioned off in 8 separate rows with 12 columns per row.
Conventional polypropylene pipette tip racks, or boxes, are a "Class 5" plastic and can be recycled. Make sure your lab is involved in a recycling program to ensure your pipette tip boxes and racks are being disposed of properly as, unfortunately, most packaging for pipettes ends up in landfills or is incinerated.