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A manual high-throughput pipetting system is a device that helps life scientists streamline and speed up their well plate applications. Pipetting all 96 wells at once simplifies micro-volume applications like ELISA, cellular assays, qPCR and protein crystallization. The Liquidator 96 streamlines many 96-well or 384-well plate applications. It requires no electricity or programming and comes in two volume ranges – 0.5 to 20 μL and 5 to 200 μL.
Encode-Spritze, max. Volumen 0,5 ml, für AutoRep und andere Repetierpipetten. Spritze wird von AutoRep E erkannt. Nicht steril, 100 Spritzen je Packung (ENC-500).
EncodeTM-Spritze, max. Volumen 25 ml, für AutoRepTM und andere Repetierpipetten. Spritze wird von AutoRep E erkannt. Verwendet Adapter 17000547. Steril, 25 Spritzen je Packung (ENC-25MLS).
Encode-Spritze, max. Volumen 25 ml, für AutoRep und andere Repetierpipetten. Spritze wird von AutoRep E erkannt. Nicht steril, 50 Spritzen je Packung (ENC-25ML).
Encode Spritzen S 2.5ML 100/Pk
EncodeTM-Spritze, max. Volumen 2,5 ml, für AutoRepTM und andere Repetierpipetten. Spritze wird von AutoRep E erkannt. Steril, 100 Spritzen je Packung (ENC-2500S).
The Liquidator 96, available in 20 µL and 200 µL, is fast, accurate and easy to use. By understanding how researchers work and how high-throughput pipetting fits into a laboratory’s overall workflow, Rainin engineered the Liquidator 96 to deliver superb accuracy and precision with exceptionally good ergonomics, requiring virtually no user training.
Setting up assays in 96-well plates using single- and multi-channel pipettes is often tedious and time consuming. The Liquidator 96 processes 96-well plates in as few as 6 seconds each, without sacrificing data quality and giving you more time to conduct other important tasks, such as data analysis and hypothesis-building.
Single and multi-channel pipettes greatly increase the risk of skipping or repeating rows and wells on qPCR, ELISA and other plate-based experiments. The Liquidator 96 eliminates this risk by filling all 96 wells at the same time.
With a range of 0.5 – 20 μL, the Liquidator's low volume 20 µL model expands your range of 96-well protocols. Built to last, simple to use and exceptionally ergonomic, the Liquidator 20 µL and 200 µL offer the highest accuracy and precision specifications possible.
Because Liquidator 20 µL and 200 µL are manual devices that require little training, they are immediately useful to everyone in the lab. The 200 µL model is ideal for experiments like ELISA with volumes in the range from 5 – 200 μL. With volumes as small as 0.5 μL, the 20 μL model streamlines applications like qPCR.
Semi-automated pipetting accessories from Rainin include SBS-format reservoirs, well plate adapters, reservoirs, tips and more. Read more
Pipette preventive maintenance and calibration service significantly reduces costs, risks, and liabilities associated with out of calibration pipettes. Read more
Take control of your pipette inventory with SmartStand, SmartCheck™, and PipetteX™ software. Read more
The ShopRainin USA Pipette Tip catalog contains information on all tip products, with a greater level of detail and explanations. Read more
Order our free pipetting technique posters to help everyone in your lab achieve more consistent results. Read more