Custom Checkweigher
Custom Checkweigher
Custom Checkweigher
Custom Checkweigher


How do I know which options to use?

There are a lot of options to choose from, which can feel overwhelming – but for a lot of applications our standard checkweighers can do the job. The best way to know which options to use is to talk to one of our sales representatives, who will be able to take your requirements and make the best recommendation for which options are right for you.

What about usability options?

No matter how accurate a checkweigher is, operator error can still be a problem. This is especially true in situations where the workforce may not be highly skilled. We have options available which include color coding to make navigation and product changeover simple.

What do you mean an integrated checkweigher?

Sometimes production space is at such a premium that putting a freestanding checkweighing system on the production line is just not feasible. By integrating checkweighing technology into production equipment – for example, a filling station – manufacturers achieve weighing control while saving space. The checkweighing element can even provide direct feedback to equipment and make adjustments on the fly to correct overfilling and underfilling 

My products are unstable and can bunch together. Will this interfere with the weighing process?

Yes, it will. Many of our options for customization are product handling solutions which help with a smooth transition from infeed to outfeed conveyor as well as the proper product spacing to maintain accurate results. We also have sensors to detect fallen products before they can cause product jams.