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Dissolved oxygen and dissolved CO2 sensor housings are process connection hardware that enable an analytical sensor to be installed into a process, ensuring optimal measurement results. METTLER TOLEDO sensor housings are available in a wide range of designs for strength, safety, cleanliness and optimized performance in common process environments. To best suit your application needs, these sensor housings range from simple immersion fittings to automated retractable systems.
InFit 761e Stationary - Steel
InFit 762e Stationary - Steel
InFit 761e Stationary - Plastic
InTrac 787 Retractable Housing
These CO2 and dissolved oxygen sensor housings are designed to ensure the sensor reaches the desired depth for obtaining optimal measurement results in your application.
METTLER TOLEDO offers stationary, retractable, flow-through and immersion sensor housings, each with specific features for strength, safety, cleanliness and optimized performance.
These DO sensor housings can be applied to open basins, pipes, closed tanks, chemical reactors and a wide range of vessels accommodating common process environments.
METTLER TOLEDO CO2 sensor housings allow in situ CO2 measurement in all sizes of bioreactor, from process development to commercial manufacturing.
A wide range of sensor housing material options are available, including stainless steel, titanium, PVDF and PVC to best suit your operating environment and your process.
METTLER TOLEDO offers analytical sensor housings with different connection styles, bore sizes, insertion lengths and process seal materials to ensure your process needs are satisfied.
The METTLER TOLEDO Process Analytics Catalog provides a comprehensive overview of solutions for analytical measurements in liquid process applications, pure water monitoring and gas-phase measurement. Read more
These sensor housings are pieces of hardware that allow a process DO or CO2 sensor to be connected in-line to an industrial process for continuous process control measurements. It allows a sensor to reach the desired depth in an open basin, pipe, closed tank or vessel for accurate measurement of dissolved oxygen or carbon dioxide.
These analytical sensor housings enable a dissolved oxygen sensor or dissolved carbon dioxide sensor to be installed in-line into a process to ensure the sensor is protected and reaches the desired depths for obtaining optimum analysis results. The sensor housing that you choose depends on your process conditions and business requirements. Dissolved oxygen sensor housings and dissolved CO2 sensor housings can be used in a variety of applications, and each application can have specific requirements for strength, safety, cleanliness, optimized performance, corrosion resistance, insertion depth or physical space. Process connection hardware ranges from simple drop-in immersion fittings to complex automated systems capable of cleaning your measuring equipment. METTLER TOLEDO can help you select the best hardware for your application.
METTLER TOLEDO has four different sensor housing types. Stationary housings are installed statically in a vessel. They are used in sterile conditions and are in the InFit housing range. Retractable sensor housings allow easy insertion/withdrawal of the measuring sensor without interrupting the ongoing process. They are used in processes which tend to cause sensor contamination or which run over long periods of time, and are in the InTrac housing range. Flow-through housings are designed for measuring points in pipes, as they allow continuous monitoring and direct insertion of the probe into the sample media. These housings are in the InFlow range. Finally, immersion housings are used in open vessels/channels and are in the InDip housing range. Their design allows sensor mounting and immersion into the media.
METTLER TOLEDO oxygen sensor housings directly integrate with a wide range of METTLER TOLEDO dissolved oxygen sensors, including both optical dissolved oxygen sensors and amperometric dissolved oxygen sensors. These sensors include:
METTLER TOLEDO CO2 sensor housings are specifically designed to integrate with the InPro 5000i CO2 sensor for biopharmaceutical applications.
The pureO3 ozone sensor has its own special set of polycarbonate and stainless steel housings that are required for effective operation.