Thermometric Titration of Acid Number According to ASTM D8045

Acid number (AN) determination, a common analysis in the oil industry, is used to monitor oil degradation and acidity. It helps prevent machine breakdowns and pipeline leakage due to corrosive acidic oil.

Although standard potentiometric acid-base titrations work well for the determination of AN, they can be time consuming measurements. The pH electrode needs to be precisely calibrated and conditioned, and the titration endpoint is not always easily found.

One approach to avoid such pitfalls is to measure the temperature change that occurs during a catalyzed titration. This catalyzed thermometric titration, described in the ASTM D8045 standard, is faster, needs less sensor maintenance, and is as precise and reliable as the standard determination of AN, according to the ASTM D664 standard.

Download the whitepaper to learn more about thermometric acid number determination in accordance with ASTM D8045.



  1. Thermometric Acid Number Titration: Principle
  2. Blank and Titer Measurement
  3. Sample Measurement
  4. Thermometric vs. Potentiometric Titration of AN
  5. METTLER TOLEDO Solution
  6. Conclusion
  7. References