Testing Labs
and Health Institutes

Today, laboratory instruments from METTLER TOLEDO form the foundation of laboratories all over the world, increasing the efficiency and assuring the quality of results.
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Testing Labs

Balances for all kinds of applications , instruments for material characterization and reaction research and various analytical instruments are our key offering for testing labs.
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Contract Research Organizations

CRO's rely on precise, accurate and durable laboratory equipment. We provide reliable instruments for basic tasks such as pipetting, weighing and pH measuring as well as automation and throughput solutions for more elaborate tasks.
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Legal Metrology

Accuracy is a primary concern in Metrology. Our specialist Metrology solutions provide a sound basis for measuring mass and tracing any mass measurement back to the International Prototype of the Kilogram (IPK) at BIPM in Paris.
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National Institute of Health

With our laboratory solutions fundamental tasks such as pipetting, weighing or pH adjusting are easy and reliable. Modern instruments with touch screen user interfaces provide ease of use and reduce stress and risks of operating errors.
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Forensic Labs

Forensic analysis is a unique application in sciences. Its practice and presentation must meet the needs of both the scientific and the legal communities. METTLER TOLEDO provides state-of-the-art instruments enabling validation and compliance.
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Hospitals and
Clinical Labs

Compliance and reliability of measurement data are major concerns in the field of hospitals and clinical labs where diagnostic results have a critical impact on human life. Our instruments perfectly fit these needs.
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We understand that reliable and consistent measurements and automation capabilities are of importance in the environmental sector. METTLER TOLEDO's solutions focus on generating reliable and accurate measurement data which integrate easily into comprehensive solutions.
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Contract Research Organizations
of Health
and Clinical

The success of our lab solutions is the result of intense research and development that seeks to achieve high-level efficiency, usability, and time-saving features – all with lasting performance in mind.

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Global Service
Sales and Service

With our market organizations operating in most industrialized countries, as well as selected partners in other regions, we are ready to serve you around the globe. Our geographically focused market organizations and partners are responsible for all aspects of sales, service, and support. 6000 factory-trained service and sales specialists worldwide are there to support you any time, anywhere.

Testing labs have to manage high throughput of routine samples and challenging single test tasks. Both cases require high performing instruments and equipment. Our offering from balances and analytical instruments to pipettes and reaction engineering equipment holds an optimal solution for all applications. In addition, the Good Measuring Practices program provides users with recommendations for improved measuring results.

Products and Solutions

Serving pharma, biotech and medtech companies with research, development and testing tasks requires efficient and secure workflows along proven SOPs, compliance with regulations and stringent quality management. METTLER TOLEDO's key solutions exactly help customers to meet such requirements providing faultless results and data handling options.

Products and Solutions

Assuring traceability to reference standards is the primary objective for calibration labs, weights and measures, and weight producers. We support our partners by providing highly accurate Mass Comparators, reference weights and software solutions that ensure efficient workflow and an unbroken chain of comparisons. Ensure laboratory compliance with manual, automated and robotic Mass Comparators capable of determining even the smallest difference in mass.

Products and Solutions



Accuracy, reliability, and compliance are the primary concerns of disease control and prevention, drug control and food safety monitoring. Our solutions are state-of-the-art, proven, and reliable systems which cover basic and advanced applications in healthcare.

Products and Solutions


METTLER TOLEDO offers a wide range of highly sensitive and accurate analytical instruments and balances. They are used to reveal what changes occurred during an incident. Hence they help reconstruct the sequence of events. Enhanced laboratory software and camera based evaluation procedures provide a high level of security and reliability towards both, legal and scientific aspects

Products and Solutions

Due to the severe impact on patient's life, deliveries of hospital pharmacies, clinical testing labs and sterilization departments have to be flawless. This applies to clinical testing, the preparation of drugs and the monitoring of the recycled use of surgical instruments as well. Reliable balances and analytical instruments open for extended validation and ready to comply with regulations are a must.

Products and Solutions

Environmental monitoring of waters, soils and air needs to rely on stable and consistent analytical instruments and balances. Often instruments of high resolution are required to detect even smallest differences of particulate matter concentration, acid rain content or simple pH values.

Products and Solutions

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