Thermal Analysis Instruments for OIT

OIT Measurement Instruments

Determination of Oxidation Induction Time

Oxidation Induction Time (OIT) is a thermal analysis technique used to measure the oxidative stability of materials. It is a valuable tool for studying the isothermal oxidative degradation of polymers, oils, and other materials. OIT can also be performed under elevated pressures to accelerate reactions.

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根據國際熱分析及量熱學聯合會 (ICTAC),熱分析係指一組技術,其中會根據溫度測量一物質的物理特性,而該物質受某個經過管控的溫度程式所約束。

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What does “OIT” stand for?

OIT is short for “oxidation induction time”. The oxidation induction time (OIT) is the time from the initial exposure to oxygen to the onset of exothermic decomposition at the isothermal temperature of the test.

What does “OOT” stand for?

OOT is short for “oxidation onset temperature”. The oxidation onset temperature (OOT) is the temperature at the onset of exothermic decomposition measured at a given heating rate in an oxidative environment.

What is the difference between OIT and OOT?

Oxidation induction time (OIT) is an isothermal measurement that determines how long it takes for oxidation to start at a defined temperature. Oxidation onset temperature (OOT) has a dynamic heating rate to determine the temperature when oxidation starts.

Why is a high-pressure DSC useful for determining OIT?

A HP DSC can perform an OIT experiment under elevated pressures. Some materials have a long OIT, and the elevated pressures will accelerate the oxidization time, making the reaction time faster.

What are the standard methods for OIT when measured under ambient pressures?

  • ASTM D3895 OIT of polyolefins by DSC
  • ASTM E1858 OIT of hydrocarbons by DSC
  • EN 728 OIT of polyolefin pipes and fittings
  • ISO 11357 OIT of plastics by DSC

What are the standard methods for OIT when measured under elevated pressures?

  • ASTM D5483 OIT of lubricating greases by pressure DSC
  • ASTM D5885 OIT of polyolefin geosynthetics by HPDSC
  • ASTM D6186 OIT of lubricating oils by pressure DSC
  • CEC L-85-T-99 Hot surface oxidation of lubricating oils by pressure DSC

Can I use a TGA for measuring OIT?

Yes, a TGA can measure OIT. Most decompositions are accompanied by a weight loss, therefore, OIT can be performed with a TGA above 700 °C.