XS3 CC Checkweigher Combination System - 已停產產品

A Compact Two-In-One System

The checkweighing function is performed using a fully functional and globally proven XS3 checkweigher. This ensures highly accurate dynamic weight measurement with an accuracy of ±0.2 g. 

While the checkweigher measures product weights quickly and precisely, rejecting "out of tolerance" products, the metal detector reliably detects and rejects products contaminated by metal. Common contaminants detected range from nuts and bolts, right down to small metal filings, staples, needles or pieces of wire. The rejection of "bad" products is ensured by two rejecting devices – a system which allows separate rejection of metal-contaminated and off-weight products.

The industry proven, modular design can be enhanced with the full range of software options and accessories available. This allows you to tailor the checkweigher to your specific application requirements. It is particularly service friendly, cutting maintenance time to an absolute minimum and significantly reducing downtime.

停產於: Sep, 2017


文件 - XS3 CC Checkweigher Combination System


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該案例研究解釋了一家英國糖業公司由於精煉過程中的條件導致出現讀數不穩定以及電極消耗高的情況。由於pH電極通常使用一周就需要更換,METTLER TOLEDO推薦使用InPro 2000i pH電極這款堅固耐用的感測器以適應惡劣的作業環境。
Pure Water Equipment Case Study
This case study describes how for the water system of a large US electric and natural gas company, the water system builder specified METTLER TOLEDO T...
此案例研究闡述了以下主題:塞爾維亞的國有電力公司EPS如何針對升級最大發電站之水質化學分析設備進行五年規劃。他們當時在尋找能夠提供充分本地支援、建議及故障排除服務的分析設備供應商,最終選擇了METTLER TOLEDO。
一家大型半導體製造商需要一種電阻率感測器,其性能將超過目前可用的儀器。梅特勒-托利多 Thornton 與晶圓廠合作開發了一種感測器,為電阻率測量樹立了新標準。


White Paper: Reduced Costs and Greater Reliability
準確可靠的分析測量儀器,是儘量避免發電廠出現腐蝕與沉澱物的一項重要工具。 但要讓這種測試設備持續運作,可能必須付出相當多的心力與費用。 好在我們推出了新一代的感測器與分析儀,其不僅維護率低,而且具備多項數位技術優點。 這些先進的儀器能大幅降低維護費用及所需的處理時間,同時提高可靠度。
您的實驗結果很重要!下載我們的 Mastering Serial Dilutions 白皮書。
本白皮書說明了ALCOA+架構是如何設計用來確保來自藥品製造設備的資料具備最高完整性。其中介紹了能確保水系統符合ALCOA+要求的METTLER TOLEDO Thornton RecordLOC™資料完整性套件。

配件 - XS3 CC Checkweigher Combination System

Service - XS3 CC Checkweigher Combination System

詳細說明- XS3 CC Checkweigher Combination System