This library of laboratory expertise is a collaborative space which offers a wealth of free information and advice on a range of critical laboratory issues. The topics are carefully selected to support the daily activities of lab analysts and managers, and include issues such as electrostatic effects on weighing, USP compliance, calibration of balances, and sample preparation. In-depth knowledge and expert advice is shared in a helpful and easily accessible format, with basic introductory or advanced information available, including links to articles, white papers, webinars and videos on a specific topic. New topics are added regularly.
USP Chapters 41 and 1251 on Balances
A collection of tools relating to USP General Chapters 41 and 1251 and the extensive updates made to these chapters in 2013. Make sure you are compliant with the latest USP guideli...
Electrostatic Charges and Their Effects on Weighing
A collection of information about dealing with electrostatic effects on weighing. Innovations in weighing technology allow detection and elimination of static charges on samples an...
天平校正是確保精確稱重結果的關鍵維護活動。 必須在校正證書中報告測量不確定性,否則便為無效。 校正間隔時間必須採用風險基礎做法來決定 - 稱重結果不精確的負面影響程度越高,稱重間隔時間就要越短。 若是根據客戶製程容差進行校正結果的評估,便能夠改善稱重流程並提升獲利能力。 用於合法商用應用的磅秤,擁有節省材料的巨大潛力。 透過謹慎選擇設備、進行專業的安裝以及實...
Efficient Sample Preparation
Traditional sample prep is a labour-intensive manual task with high error-risk. New approaches and accessories make sample prep more accurate and efficient.
Cleaning Recommendations
A balance must be kept clean to protect users, prevent cross-contamination and comply with regulations. Cleaning can be quick and easy with appropriate methods and features.
ISO 9001:2015 – Implications For Measuring and Weighing Processes
A collection of tools relating to ISO 9001:2015 to explain the changes and what they mean for weighing devices.
針對「精實的實驗室」匯集了廣泛的知識、資訊與建議,協助實驗室成功實行精實原則。 包括詞彙表、檢查清單、影片、指南、網路研討會和近一步的連結...
集合有關 ALCOA+ 原則、SOP 指引、資料管理與實用秘訣的知識文件,確保實驗室的資料完整性。