
Bahlsen Ensures High Quality Standards


With Checkweighing and Metal Detection Solutions

 Lamb Weston Achieves High Quality and Throughput With In-Line Checkweighers
Lamb Weston Achieves High Quality and Throughput With In-Line Checkweighers

Bahlsen is one of Germany's most reputable biscuit and cake producers with extremely high product quality and production processes. These very high standards are reflected in their choice of production line equipment.

The company was looking for a flexible dynamic weighing solution that could accurately weigh a wide range of products (from 20 to 750g), combined with metal detection that could take into account the wide variety of products manufactured on their production site.

The constantly changing product variables are no problem for METTLER TOLEDO's product inspection equipment. This led to Bahlsen installing a Checkweighing and Metal Detector system in their production line to ensure their quality standards continue to be met

The checkweigher has an easy-clean design which fulfils Bahlsen product manager's requirements for weight control and excellent detection sensitivity. In addition to this the checkweigher system is accurate to within 300 milligrams, weighing up to 300 packs per minute, automatically rejecting overweight or underweight product packs by means of an air jet.

Simultaneously the metal detector, with its multi-frequency technology, ensures that Bahlsen products are free from metal contamination, detecting even the smallest metal contamination in products. Contaminated products are immediately rejected by an air jet blowing them off the production line into a catch bin with key lock.

Bahlsen Ensures High Quality Standards Supported by METTLER TOLEDO Product Inspection Equipment

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