Estimating Calcium Content in Water with UV Vis Spectroscopy

Easy Sample Preparation and Quick Results within Few Seconds

This application note gives the complete method for determining calcium content in water using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometer.


Why Is Calcium Content Determination Important?

Calcium is a trace element required for the functioning of the human body. Lack of calcium can cause osteoporosis, hyperosteogeny, rickets, spasm, and other diseases; while excessive calcium intake can lead to kidney stones and a reduction in absorption of other metal elements such as iron, and magnesium. 20% of the calcium needed per day by the human body comes from drinking water. Therefore, it is important to determine the amount of calcium present in the water. 


How to Determine Calcium Content in Water?

Calcium ions form a red-violet complex with glyoxal bis(2-hydroxyanil). This complex can be determined spectrophotometrically using a METTLER TOLEDO EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometer at an absorbance of 550 nm. This in turn can help in the quantitative determination of calcium present in water. 

Download our free application note to learn more and benefit from our experience in determining the calcium content in water.



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