Minweigh Door Micro - izdelek ni več v prodaji

Fast Stabilization Times.Inner draft shield door with small adjustable opening for XP26/56 micro balances

Speed up Your Weighing Processes

The small adjustable window in the MinWeigh Door draft shield minimizes air turbulence in the weighing chamber ensuring fast stabilization times.

Weigh Directly into Tare Containers

The MinWeigh Door micro draft shield perfectly complements the ErgoClips micro allowing one step dosing directly into the tare container.

Increased Safety

Dosing through the small window without opening the draft shield substantially reduces contamination risks and lowers the mimimum weight limit.

Št. Izdelka: 11107869

Izdelka ne izdelujemo več od: Aug, 2018

Pokličite za ponudbo

Dodatki - Minweigh Door Micro

Potrošni material - Minweigh Door Micro

Programska oprema - Minweigh Door Micro

Specifikacije- Minweigh Door Micro

Specifikacije - Minweigh Door Micro