XD2 Checkweigher - izdelek ni več v prodaji

The XD2 checkweighers deliver best-in-class, dynamic weighing performance at an economical cost.  Patented METTLER TOLEDO electro magnetic force restoration (EMFR) weigh cell technology ensures unparalleled performance.  The standard XD2 allows for height adjustment as well as reversible transport direction and variable speed control for maximum flexibility.

The XD2 has a comprehensive range of options that allows the checkweigher to be tailored to meet the user and application requirements. 

The 7" color touchscreen user interface has a very intuitive and easy to use menu system; this makes product setup and changeover procedures both fast and efficient, thereby minimizing downtime and operator training requirements.


Compact, economical and highly efficient checkweighing solution

Performance and value, combined with a wide array of package handling, production monitoring, control and communications options, make the XE2 optimally suited to checkweighing applications in virtually all sectors of industry.

The XE2 checkweigher has a particularly compact design and small footprint. This makes it perfect for applications where factory floor space is at a premium and allows simple integration into your existing production line.

The 7" colour touchscreen user interface has a very intuitive and easy to use multilingual icon-based menu system with unlimited user profiles. This makes product setup and changeover procedures both fast and efficient, thereby minimising downtime and operator training requirements.


Compact, economical and highly efficient checkweighing solution

Performance and value, combined with a wide array of package handling, production monitoring, control and communications options, make the XE2 optimally suited to checkweighing applications in virtually all sectors of industry.

The XE2 checkweigher has a particularly compact design and small footprint. This makes it perfect for applications where factory floor space is at a premium and allows simple integration into your existing production line.

The 7" colour touchscreen user interface has a very intuitive and easy to use multilingual icon-based menu system with unlimited user profiles. This makes product setup and changeover procedures both fast and efficient, thereby minimising downtime and operator training requirements.


Compact, economical and highly efficient checkweighing solution

Performance and value, combined with a wide array of package handling, production monitoring, control and communications options, make the XE2 optimally suited to checkweighing applications in virtually all sectors of industry.

The XE2 checkweigher has a particularly compact design and small footprint. This makes it perfect for applications where factory floor space is at a premium and allows simple integration into your existing production line.

The 7" colour touchscreen user interface has a very intuitive and easy to use multilingual icon-based menu system with unlimited user profiles. This makes product setup and changeover procedures both fast and efficient, thereby minimising downtime and operator training requirements.

Izdelka ne izdelujemo več od: Sep, 2017

Pokličite za ponudbo

Namesto tega je na voljo: C31 StandardLine Checkweigher

Nujno potrebno in zanesljivo kontrolno tehtanje

Nujno potrebno in zanesljivo kontrolno tehtanje.Kontrolna tehtnica po dostopni ceni, ki je popolna za nadomestitev kontrolnih točk z 100-odstotnim linijskim nadzorom teže. Sistem, ki je enostaven za uporabo, zagotavlja zanesljivo delovanje za živilsko in neživilsko uporabo v suhih in mokrih okoljih.

Zanesljivo delovanje

Standardizirana, modulirana zasnova z oceno IP54 ali IP65. Paleta standardiziranih mehanskih in programskih možnosti za podporo posameznih potreb.

Intuitivno upravljanje

Robusten 7-palčni zaslon na dotik omogoča intuitivno uporabo v 30 jezikih. Sporočila stroja so zapisana v jasnem besedilu.

Hitra in enostavna namestitev

Vnaprej konfigurirana višina stroja, dolžina traku, spomin za recepture kot tudi omejitve tehtanja in odstopanja omogočajo enostavno namestitev sistema.

Dokumentacija - XD2 Checkweigher


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Dodatki - XD2 Checkweigher

Service - XD2 Checkweigher

Specifikacije- XD2 Checkweigher

Specifikacije - XD2 Checkweigher
Throughput max. 200
Natančnost from ± 100mg
Weighing range up to 600g