LabX Direct Balance Software CD - izdelek ni več v prodaji

Easy Result Transfer to the PC.LabX direct balance

Increase Your Weighing Efficiency

LabX direct balance increases the efficiency and accuracy of weighing by capturing readings from any METTLER TOLEDO balance equipped with RS 232 port.

Full Documentation

LabX direct balance is an easy-to-use software designed to transfer data from one balance into an open application like an EXCEL spreadsheet.

Support of Barcode Reader

You have the possibility to use a barcode reader to capture sample identifications and add data such as balance ID or operator’s name.

Št. Izdelka: 11120340

Izdelka ne izdelujemo več od: Oct, 2019

Pokličite za ponudbo

Namesto tega je na voljo: Programska oprema EasyDirect za tehtnice

Preprosto upravljanje podatkov tehtanja

Izboljšajte upravljanje podatkov in v enem računalniku zbirajte rezultate tehtanja do deset tehtnic.

Dodatki - LabX Direct Balance Software CD

Potrošni material - LabX Direct Balance Software CD

Programska oprema - LabX Direct Balance Software CD

Specifikacije- LabX Direct Balance Software CD

Specifikacije - LabX Direct Balance Software CD