Density Accessories - izdelek ni več v prodaji

Quick and Efficient Balance Conversion.Complete density kit for all XPE/XS analytical balances

Ideal Equipment for All Methods

Density Kits are easily installed on Excellence Balances for fast and precise density determination of solid, liquid, porous and pasty substances.

Integrated Solution

Fully integrated workflows for five different methods: The built-in density application guides you step-by-step through the procedure.

Fast and Secure Process

The application software collects the density values, calculates the results and allows statistical evaluation of the measurement series.

Št. Izdelka: 11106706

The Kits contain a support plate and weighing pan, brackets, glass beakers (ø 60 and 80 mm), thermometer, holders for floating and non-floating solids, and a bottle of wetting agent.

Integrated solution
The built-in density determination application on the Excellence XP/XS Balances provides complete workflows for five different methods. The application guides you step-by-step through the procedure, collects the results, calculates the density and allows statistical evaluation of the measurement series.

Density determination of liquids
For determining the density of liquids, the optional 10 ml glass sinker is available both calibrated and non-calibrated.

Izdelka ne izdelujemo več od: Sep, 2018

Pokličite za ponudbo

Namesto tega je na voljo: Density Kit XPR/XSR-Ana

Hitro in učinkovito računanje gostote

Hitro in učinkovito računanje gostote.Celovit komplet za določanje gostote za vse analitske tehtnice XPR/XSR

Odlična oprema za vse metode določanja gostote

Komplete za določanje gostote je mogoče preprosto namestiti na tehtnice Excellence, pri čemer omogočajo hitro ter natančno določanje gostote trdnih, tekočih, poroznih in pastoznih snovi.

Integrirana rešitev

Povsem integrirani poteki dela za pet različnih metod: vgrajena aplikacija za gostoto vas vodi skozi postopek po korakih.

Hiter in varen postopek

Programska oprema zbira vrednosti gostote, izračunava rezultate in omogoča statistično ovrednotenje meritvenih nizov.

Dodatki - Density Accessories

Potrošni material - Density Accessories

Programska oprema - Density Accessories

Specifikacije- Density Accessories

Specifikacije - Density Accessories