T50 Titrator - izdelek ni več v prodaji

The first level of Excellence Everything you need for titration, in two versions.

The Titration Excellence line offers many advantages such as One Click Titration™, Plug & Play and method database. The T50 is the ideal entry-level model for the Titration Excellence line and offers much more than a simple titrator:

  • Terminal with brilliant Touch Screen
  • Expandable with dispensing burette drives
  • Comprehensive communication connections
  • Preconfigured system application packages

Izdelka ne izdelujemo več od: Feb, 2016

Pokličite za ponudbo

Namesto tega je na voljo: Titrator Excellence T5

Vsestranski titrator za kakršno koli uporabo

Vsestranski titrator za kakršno koli uporabo.Titrator T5 Excellence zagotavlja popolno fleksibilnost pri potenciometričnih uporabah in uporabah po Karl Fischerju. Možna razširitev od 1 na največ 4 birete za omogočeno rast z rastočimi potrebami. Podpira avtomatizacijo InMotion za testiranje z visoko časovno zmogljivostjo.

Uporabniški vmesnik One Click

Z intuitivnim vmesnikom zaslona na dotik One Click lahko prilagodite začetne zaslone, tako da boste s postopki dela upravljali hitro in enostavno z enim samim dotikom zaslona.

Popolnoma fleksibilna avtomatizacija

Združljivo z mogočno avtomatizacijo InMotion. Zamenjava vzorcev, kompleksne titracije, koraki čiščenja in mnogo več, delujejo samodejno ter s tem uporabniku prihranijo čas.

Zagotovljena skladnost

Programska oprema LabX v reguliranih okoljih zagotavlja popolno podporo za potrebe vašega zagotavljanja skladnosti s kodeksom 21 CFR, del 11 in EU prilogo 11.

Dokumentacija - T50 Titrator

Brošure o izdelkih

Intelligent Sensors for All Titration Applications Brochure
Reliable and durable titration sensors from METTLER TOLEDO with their variety of designs and perfectly matched reference systems, glass membranes and...

Povezani izdelki in rešitve

Rondo 60 Plus Sample Changer
The Rondo system for fully automatic sampling and direct measurement of the pH in standard test tubes, separated from the titration stand.
Rondo 60 Sample Changer
The Rondo system for fully automatic sampling of up to 60 samples in standard test tubes. The sampling can be done either with the Liquid Handler or b...
Rondo 30 Sample Changer
Rondo 30 in combination with the Excellence titrators makes a powerful and flexible titration system. Every combination from single sample determinati...
Rondo 20 Sample Changer
The allrounder for the highest level of automated flexibility for medium sized sample series. Includes sample rack for direct titration in standard 10...
Rondo 15 Sample Changer
The sample changer for direct titration of medium sample volumes in series of up to 15 samples in glass beakers such as:150 mL standard low form glass...
Rondo 12 Sample Changer
The sample changer for direct titration of large sample volumes in series of up to 12 samples in a variety of beakers such as: 250 mL polypropylene be...


Collected Titration Applications
Free single methods directly from our application database. Our search engine allows you to search for applications by type, industry, and keyword. I...

Dodatki - T50 Titrator


Dozirna enota za Excellence in Compact linijo

Št. Izdelka: 51109030

Št. Izdelka: 51109259

Specifikacije- T50 Titrator

Specifikacije - T50 Titrator
Številka artikla 51109002
Trgovsko ime Titrator,Titration Excellence