Datasheet: MaxRes

Controlled Switching of Heating Rates

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Controlled Switching of Heating Rates

Datasheet: MaxRes
Datasheet: MaxRes

When designing measurement and defining parameters for a TGA or TMA experiment, one often has to choose between two conflicting goals; running a short experiment with a high heating rate, or obtaining optimum resolution with low heating rates. MaxRes eliminates this choice by automatically adapting heating rate to give quick results that achieve the best possible resolution and separation of close-lying thermal effects.

The heating rate is one of the most important factors when designing measurement program. High heating rates result in short experimental times but may lead to poor separation of the thermal events. In contrast, slow heating rates allow better separation of close-lying effects, but leads to extended measurement times. MaxRes resolves this dilemma by providing dynamic, event-controlled switching of the heating rate during the measurement.


Features and Benefits

  • Improved temperature resolution separates close-lying effects – for easier and more reliable result interpretations
  • Shorter experiments – save time on your measurements
  • Quasi-isothermal conditions – reaction kinetics are unaffected by the temperature program


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