
TruckPass™ Weigh-in-Motion


Weigh-in-Motion Enhances Productivity

TruckPass captures accurate gross weights as trucks drive across a traditional full-length scale without requiring them to stop. Quickly confirm inbound material weight or ensure that your outbound shipments are within roadgoing weight limits in mere seconds!

Join the Movement

Enable your operation with the next generation of automated truck weighing technology. Whether your operation utilizes a truck scale for trade or checkweighing, keeping trucks in motion offers many immediate benefits. TruckPass is set to revolutionize the way operations do business — are you ready to join the movement?! 

3X Higher Productivity

TruckPass takes efficiency to the next level by eliminating the need for trucks to stop on the scale. By keeping trucks in motion, operations can benefit from increased throughput potential and reduced congestion at the scale, resulting in happy customers and improved on-site logistics. 

Reduce Emissions
Reduce Emissions

Reduce Emissions

Keeping trucks in motion with TruckPass can help reduce overall traffic and thus reduce or even eliminate truck idling time at the scale. With fewer trucks idling for less time, an operation can expect to see a major impact on their overall carbon footprint and more easily achieve their sustainability goals. 

View the Emissions ROI Calculator to see how switching to TruckPass could impact your operation. 

Improve Site Safety

Since TruckPass enables drivers to remain in the vehicle, the risk of potential safety hazards such as slips or traffic accidents is diminished. 

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