
Guide: 5 Ways to Reduce Contamination Risks


Hygienic equipment is key to preventing contamination. Learn what to consider for your key application areas in this guide.

This pocket guide is designed for quality and production managers who would like to further optimize their cleaning procedures. You will quickly learn about most important hygienic design principles and where these principles are reflected in the design of a scale, including: 

Equipment at Risk for Contamination

Utilizing equipment and materials that are resistant to bacteria, such as smooth stainless steel surfaces, helps to mitigate areas where bacteria can thrive. Additionally, being mindful of things like corners, gaps, crevices, groves and attachments such as feet – can be helpful to combat the growth of bacteria. Regular and thorough cleaning along with hygienically designed equipment is imperative to preventing contamination. 

There are several things to consider to ensure your bench scale is hygienic by design, including: stainless steel construction, hygienically designed feet, open platter design, hygienically protected terminal buttons. 

There are several things to consider to ensure your floor scale is hygienic by design, including: stainless steel construction, continuous welding, liftable deck, proper drainage system, protected cabling and load cells, hygienically protected terminal buttons.

There are several things to consider to ensure your weigh modules are hygienic by design, including: surfaces are self-draining, no niches in connections points such as bolts, sealed cabling all the way to the junction box.