New Japanese Pharmacopoeia Balance Certificate


Pre-Requisite: Calibration as a must
Done: JP 9.62 Compliance

Pharmacopoeia Certificate Details

ACC Calibration Certificate Explanation
ACC Calibration Certificate Explanation

1 | This document refers to the applicable Pharmacopoeia, which in this case is JP 9.62. Additionally, procedures for the General Chapters Ph. Eur. and USP 41 are also available.

2 | As-found and as-left: The Pharmacopoeia certificate includes the assessment before (as-found) and after (as-left) any maintenance, adjustment, or repair, according to the requirements highlighted in the various Pharmacopoeia chapters.

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As-found is important to determine if the validity of previous measurements of the user has been adversely affected. As-left takes into account any adjustments made during maintenance. 

3 | Do you know what your recommended test frequency is? If you need help defining your ideal calibration frequency, GWP® Verification can help.
> Learn more 


ACC Calibration Certificate Explanation
ACC Calibration Certificate Explanation

4 | This is the main result of the Pharmacopoeia Certificate: summarizes the outcome of the stipulated Accuracy and Repeatability assessment according to the acceptance criteria of 0.10% (as-found and as-left), along with the corresponding pass/fail statement.

5 | Repeatability tests assess the ability of the instrument to provide the same results for the same weight applied several times – or how far these results deviate from each other. 

6 | “d” stands for readability, also known as the smallest measurement increment a device can display. For example, if the readability is 1 g, then 1d = 1 g; 2d = 2 g, etc.


ACC Calibration Certificate Explanation
ACC Calibration Certificate Explanation

7 | Accuracy is how close the measurement value is to the true value.


8 | Sensitivity error describes the offset between the device indication and a reference weight at the nominal capacity of the device. Usually, this error is by far the most dominant systematic error for balances and determines the accuracy of a device / contributes to a device’s measurement uncertainty.


9 | Traceability in calibration is the ability to trace the calibration results to a known reference standard.


10 | Identification of the weights that were used to perform the calibration by means of the calibration certificate ID traceability to the SI is established.