Aplikacijski uvodnik

bC Line Cash Register Software

Aplikacijski uvodnik

Weighing and payment collection in one

bC Application Note
bC Application Note

Compact. High-performance.

METTLER TOLEDO's bC range of scales are characterized by high-performance, future-proof weighing technology which is the perfect accompaniment to your operational and sales procedures. Transform your bC weighing technology into a high-performance and compact complete solution for weighing and payment collection with the bC Line cash register software. This will save you space, meaning that you then no longer need a separate cash register – and you will also benefit from a visually and functionally uniform, end-to-end solution which makes serving and collecting payment more convenient, more efficient and faster for you and your staff.

One Device. A Complete Solution.

Whether classic counter sales, a delivery service for major customers, a party service or a hot food counter: With the scales in the bC range and the cash register software, you are in control of all sales channels and enjoy a great deal of leeway for implementing new business ideas.

The bC Line cash register software transforms your bC scales into fully functioning cash registers. This creates more space on the sales counter, requires fewer cables, and ensures both efficient and direct operations – with faster service and shorter waiting times for your customers.