Aplikacijski uvodnik

Moisture Content Determination in Pet Food

Aplikacijski uvodnik

Fast and Accurate Results with a Halogen Moisture Analyzer

Moisture content can influence the taste, texture or shelf life of pet food. Therefore, it needs to be controlled in the areas of goods-in inspection, during production and in the final quality control process as an important quality parameter, which contributes to the healthy nutrition of pets. This application note describes how METTLER TOLEDO's HC103 halogen moisture analyzer can be used in the animal food industry to provide fast and accurate moisture content measurements that correspond fully to the drying oven method.

In this application note, you will learn:

  • Why moisture content (%MC) is important for pet food

  • How to use the HC103 for fast and easy moisture content determination

  • A tried and tested method for measuring moisture in dry cat food with a halogen moisture analyzer compared to the drying oven method

Download our free application note to see how you can improve efficiency and productivity using a halogen moisture analyzer to measure moisture in pet food.