Non-Volatile Residue Test – Gravimetric Determination of NVR Content

Accurate Measurement of Nvr Content as an Important Quality Control Parameter

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Non-volatile residue

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Non-Volatile Residue
  • Prepare at least two pieces of the sample to be tested
  • Wash or rinse each sample with an appropriate high purity solvent according to your sample type
  • Collect the solvent in a pre-weighed container
  • Prepare a 'blank' quantity of the same solvent in the same way as a control for the test
  • Allow the bulk of the solvent to evaporate
  • Completely dry the samples at a specific temperature for a measured time
  • Allow the dried samples to equilibrate to room temperature and humidity
  • Weigh the dried samples
  • Compare the test samples with the control sample and calculate the non-volatile content
  • Document the result

NVR Test Know-How

The non-volatile residue test is a relatively straightforward procedure, but it can be time-consuming and cumbersome to carry out. The process needs to be undertaken with care in order to minimize variability in the results.

Gravimetric determination of NVR content involves evaporating solvent to complete dryness. NVR levels of 0.1 to 100 ppm are typical, so in these cases, use of a microbalance is recommended.

Important Standards for Gravimetric Determination of Non-Volatile Residue

ASTM E1235: Standard Test Method for Gravimetric Determination of Nonvolatile Residue (NVR) in environmentally controlled areas used for the assembly, testing, and processing of spacecraft. This standard is used as a reference for the testing of many different types of products.

ASTM D1353: Standard Method for Nonvolatile Matter in volatile solvents for use in paint, varnish, lacquer, and related products. See also ISO 3251 for determining the non-volatile matter content by mass in the paint and varnish industry.

The International Disk Drive Equipment and Materials Association (IDEMA) also publishes standards for the electronics industry, particularly for testing for organic contamination as non-volatile residue on components of computer disk drives. The IDEMA published equation for calculating the NVR mass per unit area is as follows:

Calculate the NVR mass per unit area as follows:

Calculation formula for non volatile residue

a = mass of sample weighing pan plus residue, g

b = mass of sample weighing pan, clean, g

c = mass of blank weighing pan plus residue, g

d = mass of blank weighing pan, clean, g

e = surface area of part, cm2

f = number of parts


Non-Volatile Residue Testing Expert

Non Volatile Residue Testing Challanges

Soulution for NVR Testing

Non-Volatile Residue Test

NVR Testing - Micro weighing Guide

Software solution for gravimetric NRdetermination



FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions on Non Volatile Residue Testing

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