Don't risk making error's under time pressure. Material handling in the receiving, shipping and warehousing departments is always done under time pressure. This can lead to errors, mispickings and under deliveries. Mobile weighing solutions enable workers to operate precisely when time is critical. Weighing equipment is flexible, fit for multi-purpose use and capable of saving man hours and costs related to shipping or warehousing.

Mobile Weighing for Greater Efficiency in Production and Warehousing

Weighing becomes increasingly important in this process. It is used to determine freight costs for outgoing goods, receive and split incoming goods and to comply with safety regulations, such as SOLAS for sea freight.

Take a Look at our Solutions for Mobile Weighing
Mobile weighing devices help make your processes more efficient:
- Count small quantities quickly and reliablely
- Verify package weights with bench scales
- Use a pallet scale to weight complete shipements
- Use pallet truck scales and save worktime with weighing on the go
- Use forklift scales for weighing and handling heavy loads at the same time
Counting Scales for picking or shipping the right amount of pieces or components
Checkweighers to determine shipping weight or package completeness
Palet Scales with handles for transportation to different locations