StarterPac SmartCal

Testsubstans för fuktanalysator.Startpaket med allt du behöver för att verifiera prestanda hos din fuktanalysator: 12 SmartCal-påsar, termo-/hygrometer och heltäckande anvisningar.

Snabbt och enkelt prestandatest

SmartCal verifierar prestanda hos din fuktanalysator genom ett 10-minuterstest som går till på samma sätt som en vanlig mätning.

Dokumenterade instrumentprestanda

Regelbundna tester med SmartCal förser dig med ett dokumenterat bevis på instrumentets prestanda. Felaktig funktion anges omedelbart.

Fuktmätning du kan lita på

SmartCal-testet visar omedelbart negativ påverkan från uppvärmnings- eller vägningsenheter. Om instrumentet klarar testet kan du förlita dig på resultaten.

Material nr.: 30005917

Ring för offert
Specifikationer - StarterPac SmartCal
70 °C
100 °C
130 °C
160 °C
Typ av förbrukningsmaterial
Kategori av tillbehör
Fukt analysatorer
Lämplig för




SmartCal User Guide - Moisture Analyzer Test Substance
The SmartCal User Guide explains in detail on how to use the SmartCal test substance for regularly testing the performance of a moisture analyzer.
SmartCal measurement report - Windows
This measurement report offers you a comprehensive and safe way to store and track your SmartCal test results.
SmartCal Measurement Report - Windows XP
This measurement report offers you a comprehensive and safe way to store and track your SmartCal test results.
Guide: 5 Steps to Easy SmartCal Reporting
This brief guide explains how to store and track your performance test results in 5 easy steps using the SmartCal Measurement Report.


SOP for Periodic SmartCal Tests
This SOP describes in detail the testing procedure for testing the performance of a moisture analyzer with SmartCal.
Test Procedure for Moisture Analyzer Sensitivity Testing
This SOP describes in detail the testing procedure for testing the sensitivity of the weighing unit of a moisture analyzer.
SOP for Periodic Temperature Calibration
This SOP describes in detail the testing procedure for testing the heating unit of a moisture analyzer with a temperature kit.

Applications & Know-How

A Fast Routine Test Ensures Trusted Moisture Results
This white paper describes the benefits of a fast and convenient interim performance test using SmartCal™ - an ideal test substance for moisture analy...
Moisture Analyzer Routine Testing
This white paper describes the influences of routine testing on your moisture analyzer and how to guarantee the correct function of your instrument.




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StarterPac SmartCal