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Dr. Russel Kinghorn

"The UV7 is crazy efficient, amazing, and compliant. The open sample path is perfect, but what's more, it has a brilliant calibration — the CertiRef™ is ingenious!” 

Read the full customer story here

Dr. Russell Kinghorn, Pharmalytics (Australia) about the UV7 Excellence UV/VIS Spectrophotometer
Sati Jhuhj, University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) describes what he likes about DNA testing with METTLER TOLEDO's UV5Nano.

"What I like about the UV5Nano is that it's one unit without having to turn on a computer and fire up some software. It's just pressing one button, and you easily get all the readings on one screen."

Watch the full customer interview here

Sati Jhuhj, University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) describes what he likes about DNA testing with METTLER TOLEDO's UV5Nano.
Product Brochure - UV/VIS Excellence Spectrophotometer

Brochure: UV/VIS Excellence Spectrophotometers

Discover the power of UV/VIS Excellence spectrophotometers from METTLER TOLEDO. Accurately measure a...

UV/Vis Excellence Datasheet

Datasheet - UV Vis Spectrophotometer

The UV5 and UV7 Excellence instruments optimize spectroscopic workflows effectively. FastTrack™ tech...

Product Brochure - Excellence UV/VIS Spectrophotometers (for Life Sciences)

Product Brochure - Excellence UV/VIS Spectrophotometers (for Life Sciences)

Information on the UV/VIS Excellence Spectrophotometers for Life Sciences UV5Bio and UV5Nano.

Datasheet - UV5Bio and UV5Nano UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

Datasheet: UV/VIS Life Science Spectrophotometers UV5Bio and UV5Nano

Discover the performance of our UV/VIS Life Science spectrophotometers. Learn more about the technic...

Datasheet: UV/VIS Excellence EduPac

Datasheet: UV/VIS Excellence EduPac

The UV/VIS EduPac is a service solution specifically designed to address operator training needs. It...



Ladda ner specifika applikationer angående UV/VIS-spektrofotometri. Dessa väl beprövade och testade...

UV/VIS Excellence Spectrophotometers How-to Videos

UV/VIS Excellence Spectrophotometers: How-to Videos

Learn how to easily perform the different measurement methods of UV/VIS Excellence Spectrophotometer...

color measurement with UV Vis

Color Measurement

Understand the science behind color and its critical role in various applications. Discover how our...

UV Vis Water Testing

UV Vis Water Testing

METTLER TOLEDO UV Vis spectrophotometers deliver accurate and reliable measurement results with over...


Kyvetter för spektrofotometrar

METTLER TOLEDO:s kyvettportfölj erbjuder tillförlitliga och ekonomiska makroglaskyvetter med 10 och...

UV/VIS-spektrofotometer, kyvetter och tillbehör

UV/VIS-spektrofotometer, kyvetter och tillbehör

Vårt breda utbud av tillbehör förvandlar ditt UV Vis-instrument till ett dedicerat system som löser...

Spektroskopisk automation

UV Vis-autosampler

Välj mellan autosamplerbaserna Flex, Pro och Max UV Vis InMotion™ och kombinera dem med ett provstäl...

UV Vis-programvara

Programvara för UV Vis-spektrofotometer

Programvara för UV Vis-spektrofotometer samlar automatiskt in mätdata, stöder förbättrad visuell tol...

Plate Readers / Microplate Readers

Plate Readers / Microplate Readers

PlateDirect A96 is a compact, user-friendly, and reliable plate reader that delivers fast and accura...

refraktometer multiparameter

Refraktometer multiparameter

Med multiparameter-system kan du kombinera och mäta refraktionsindex, densitet, pH, titrering och me...