Dynamisk mekanisk analys

Dynamisk mekanisk analys (DMA)

En dynamisk mekanisk analysator används för att mäta olika materials mekaniska och viskoelastiska egenskaper

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Dynamisk mekanisk analysator DMA/SDTA 1+
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Produkter & detaljer



DMA/SDTA 1+ Product Brochure
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is used to measure the mechanical and viscoelastic properties of a material as a function of temperature, time and f...
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis Brochure
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is an important technique used to measure the mechanical and viscoelastic properties of materials such as thermoplas...
Brochure: STARe Excellence Software
Thermal analysis is a well-established analytical method that is widely used in many different fields. It provides laboratories with valuable results...
The Future of Thermal Analysis Brochure
Thermal Analysis comprises a group of techniques that measure the physical or chemical properties of a sample as a function of temperature or time whi...


Datasheet: DMA Evaluation
In Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), mechanical and viscoelastic properties of materials are measured as a function a frequency and temperature. An u...
Datasheet: STARe Software Option Mathematics
This software option offers a number of useful calculations that can be applied to curves for advanced evaluation possibilities, adding even more flex...


Datasheet: DMA Evaluation
In Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), mechanical and viscoelastic properties of materials are measured as a function a frequency and temperature. An u...
Datasheet: STARe Software Option Mathematics
This software option offers a number of useful calculations that can be applied to curves for advanced evaluation possibilities, adding even more flex...
Datasheet: STARe Software Option User Rights
The User Rights software option allows you to give each user not only a unique user ac-count but also a specific role. The use of individual user acco...
Datasheet: Conditional Experiment Termination
This software option reduces unnecessary measurement time and improves safety when measuring unknown samples. It enables the instrument to terminate a...
Datasheet: STARe Software Option Quality Control
The Quality Control software option allows the user to easily control and track the quality of their product. It starts with the measurement; this ca...


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Utforska våra tjänster – anpassade för din utrustning

Enligt International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC) är termisk analys är en grupp tekniker i vilka en fysisk egenskap hos en substans mäts som en funktion av temperatur samtidigt som substansen är föremål för ett kontrollerat temperaturprogram.

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Nya applikationer, genomgång av analytiska ämnen, praktiska tips

Thermal Analysis Applications
Thermal Analysis Applications for the Characterization of Food
Heat capacity determination of metals above 700 °C
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Webinar
The Characterization of Pharmaceuticals Using Thermal Analysis
Thermal Analysis Applications for the Petrochemical Industry
Thermal Analysis Techniques for the Chemical Industry – Theory and Applications