Karl Fischer Kit for T70 and T90 Excellence Titrators

Everything needed for volumetric Karl Fischer titration is available in one kit including the titration stand with vessel, sensor, cables and tubes, the Solvent Manager for One Click solvent exchange and all small accessories. Simply choose a burette size and add Karl Fischer titration to your general titrator.
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Specifikationer - Karl Fischer Kit for T70 and T90 Excellence Titrators
Materialnummer 51105605
Solvent ManagerSafe handling of chemicals with the Solvent Manager

Contact with Karl Fischer reagents should always be avoided. The Solvent Manager takes care of filling, purging and exchange of the reagents. It is fully controlled by the titrator which offers One Click™ access to all tasks; full security against overflows is guaranteed by the level sensor in the waste bottle.

Simple and secure solvent monitoring

The solvent needs to be replaced regularly in order to guarantee consistently correct results. The Solvent Control supports the user by monitoring three different parameters. For example, if only ten samples are soluble in 100 mL of the solvent the Solvent Control reminds the user after 10 samples to exchange the solvent and offers this with a One Click™ task button. Even when an instrument is running on Standby the Solvent Control is active and automatically starts conditioning of the fresh solvent after exchange. With minor user interaction the system is always kept in optimum condition ready to ensure a quick, accurate result whenever required.

Order Info:

51105605 KF Kit for Titration Excellence including Solvent Manager, titration stand, vessel, sensor, tubes and all accessories


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Karl Fischer Kit for T70 and T90 Excellence Titrators