We are transitioning to SAP
What does that means for you?
Here you can find our Q&A session regarding our transistioning to SAP and what that means for you as a customer who has a service contract or agreement with us. Click on a question to see the answer.
General questions from Service
Will my point of contact change?
With the aim of more efficient communication and traceability we have set up a new point of contact regarding:
- technical support
- technical questions about your device
- shipment of your devices for repairs
- scheduling technicians visits
From the 9th of September we ask you to contact our Call Entry team by emailing your request or question to service.nordic@mt.com. Please make sure to include your device serial number in the email.
Please note: technicians will not be able to provide service unless a request is registered with the Call Entry team.
For questions about your product invoice
Send email to orders.nordic@mt.com
For ordering consumables or spare parts
Send email to orders.nordic@mt.com
Contact point in case of a defect of a received product
Send email to customersupport.nordic@mt.com
Questions about your Service contract
Reach out to your respective country:
Sweden: servicesalesse@mt.com
Norway: servicesalesno@mt.com
Denmark: servicesalesdk@mt.com
Sales related questions and assistance with application of different devices
- Sweden: +46 8 702 50 00
- Denmark: +45 43 27 08 00
- Norway: +47 22 30 44 90
Customers with Service contract
How long will my contract be valid?
All contracts will be renewed automatically on a yearly basis.
When can I make changes to my contract?
Changes to contracts can only be applied during the renewal period stated in your contract
How will my invoice look like after the 9th of September?
The invoice will be more detailed and show what services will be performed on which device. The names of the services performed will slightly differ from the current names.
Today Mettler Toledo offer 3 levels of contracts. Will there be any changes to those?
Yes, we have implemented different value proposition for each level to offer a greater differentiation based on contract levels Find the different packages here
Will I still receive the same services for planned service visits?
Yes, you will still have the same service provided.
Will the contract price for planned visits change?
Customers that have valid SVC contract today will not see the changes in the total sum at the point of go live. It will be applied at the renewal period.
Will my discount in the SVC contract change?
Yes it will change for some customers, but the total amount you pay will remain the same.
Will there be any changes in the Repair policy?
Yes, please read more in the PDF Find the different packages here
Will there be any changes to the payment terms on my Standard and Comprehensive care contracts?
Yes, Standard Care and Comprehensive Care customers will be invoiced at the beginning of the contract period (pre-paid invoicing) due to the insurance coverage. Also our payment terms have been harmonized together with payment term for products.
Will there be any changes to the Purchase Order processes?
If a Purchase Order number is required on your contract invoice, it must be provided at time of renewal.
How will Zone travel charge change in relation to Unplanned Service visits/Repairs?
Zone travel charge will apply for travel by car (airfares, ferry tickets etc. will be charged in addition - no change).
Do I have to do anything to continue to get annual preventive service according to the present contract?
No, you don't have to do anything.