Stop Settling for More of the Same - Upgrade Your Truck Scale Today

If you are considering upgrading your truck scale, would another analog load cell system really be an improvement—or more of the same? Download our new guide to learn more.

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If your truck scale is constantly breaking down due to your analog load cell system, but the weighbridge is in good shape, you may be eligible for an upgrade. Chances are you have heard from one or more companies about an 'analog upgrade kit.' But would purchasing a new analog system really be an improvement on your current scale situation?

Our new guide details the benefits truly upgrading your scale to a POWERCELL load cell system. Here are some points covered in the guide:  

  • What an upgrade should entail
  • Improvements in scale reliability - fewer breakdowns
  • Why an upgrade should give you an improvement in scale accuracy
  • What a warranty says about a product
  • How the total cost of ownership can fluctuate based on your decision

Know what to look for, download the guide.