SmartCheck and PipetteX Datasheet

SmartCheck compares dispensed volumes to tolerances stored in PipetteX

SmartCheck compares dispensed volumes to tolerances stored in PipetteX

Testing pipette accuracy used to be difficult, requiring a balance and time-consuming calculations. Now, SmartCheck and PipetteX, any researcher can test their pipette and get a Pass/Fail result in less than 60 seconds.

Why check pipettes and technique?

Not knowing if a pipette is performing within tolerances or if a user’s technique is consistent are two uncertainties that can lead to non-reproducible results. Rework may be required, and there may be even more significant consequences. SmartCheck verifies pipette performance and offers users a way to improve pipetting consistency. PipetteX records whether tolerances are adhered to by your individual users and possible discrepancies.

SmartCheck and PipetteX Datasheet

SmartCheck compares dispensed volumes to tolerances stored in PipetteX

Download the datasheet to learn about how SmartCheck and PipetteX work hand in hand to record accurate results and help you catch drifting or out-of-spec pipettes early. Gain full confidence in the largest group of assets in your lab with SmartCheck and PipetteX.

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