Checkweighers for wet and harsh environments are resilient systems built to withstand chemical washdowns and frequent sanitation routines. Our range of harsh environment checkweigher solutions is solidly designed for use in food, pharmaceutical, and industrial environments to provide the highest degree of weighing accuracy. Additionally, they can assist manufacturers in complying with industry regulations, as well as deliver process safety and increased brand protection.
In addition to our existing 24/7 technical phone support, we offer the latest in remote service support using Augmented Reality (AR) technology. This allows us to provide the quick expert support you need to achieve your productivity goals.
Our METTLER TOLEDO augmented reality-powered visual remote assistance solution helps us to fully understand your service issues. Using a mobile device with an integrated camera enables us to see exactly what you see. We can guide you step-by-step to resolve the issue by providing real-time contextual assistance, such as adding text, drawings, or highlighting objects with 3D markers. Benefit from the fastest fault diagnostics, repair, and part replacement support by using the latest technology. We can also remotely connect to some of our products for additional service enhancement. Please contact your local service team for more details.
A harsh environment checkweigher is an in-motion weighing machine built to withstand high-pressure or high-temperature water and harsh detergents used for frequent cleaning and sanitation processes meant to prevent bacterial growth.
These checkweighers for harsh environments are designed for easy cleaning, with sloped surfaces to prevent water pooling. They can help with due diligence requirements for compliance with local or global regulations and industry standards.